Dear MD ASLA Community,
The end of the spring semester is always a time of reflection, and planning – a dichotomy that I often find perplexing. I want a moment to consider what was accomplished over the past few months – a bit of a breather, really, before thinking about the fall. But, as my mother always says, the summer will be over before we know it, so plan on!
This June is also a time for me to reflect on all that has been done by the chapter – the Executive Board and all the committees that help MD ASLA thrive. And June is a time to plan for the months to come.
First, we are planning for the future of the Chapter. It is paramount to the success of MD ASLA that we have a robust Board composed of a broad range of representatives. Please consider this letter a call for nominations for potential Board members. We are seeking nominations for President-elect, Secretary, Members-at-large, Affiliate Representative and Junior Professional Representative. The schedule is tight, July 1 is the deadline for nominations. If you are interested and have questions about responsibilities, time-commitment, etc. visit this page, and there is further information in this newsletter. Getting involved with the Chapter is a fantastic way to meet new people, give back to the profession and lend your voice to the future of the Chapter. If you hesitant to join the Board, I encourage you to volunteer on a committee!
Second, a summer “shindig” with the Potomac Chapter is being planned for July 13, so please set that afternoon aside for some games, and grilling at a venue convenient to both chapters. Div 32 is sponsoring the event - a big thank you to Mark Haney for making it possible. More information to come in an email from MD ASLA. We are also hosting a lunchtime learning webinar highlighting Advocacy Day with our own Advocate, Jack Neil, in late June. Again, stay tuned for more on this soon.
Third, submissions are in for the MD ASLA Climate Action Plan Challenge from students within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The committee has secured a prestigious jury of practitioners, educators, and environmental professionals, and awards will be announced in August. Thank you to all of the students who submitted, thank you to the sponsors who have donated award money, Grace Fielder, Tracey Friedly (for Nolan Brands) and the Maryland Port Administration, and thank you to my committee for all of the dedication to get the challenge this far (Austin Bamford, Jim Cooper, Lauren Gray, JoAnn Trach-Tongson).
It is hard to believe that I am already three quarters into my tenure as President of the Maryland Chapter. It has been a true learning experience and extremely fulfilling. I can only think that the next few months will be equally exciting as we get ready for What’s Out There Baltimore in September and the ASLA National Conference in DC in October. In between there is summer, which please remember will be over before we know it…
Happy Summer!
Many thanks,
Sarah Trautvetter, ASLA
2024 MDASLA President