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A Message from the MDASLA President

Dear MDASLA members and friends,

When the pandemic hit, many of the chapter’s efforts were canceled or delayed. As we reprioritized our efforts to ensure we met our primary goals, some projects that are still important to us had to be pushed out to make way for focus on running virtual events and meeting our obligations for advocacy and education. One of those, that is especially dear to me, is the Embark magazine.

In the past, the magazine has been in both physical and digital form. The format has been a function of budget and timing, but the preference has always been to have it printed and mailed to our members. You can imagine that in a year like 2020, the decision to deliver it to you digitally was a tough but necessary one. Even with that concession, the design and production of this publication has been a lengthy process even with dedicated volunteer help.

That is why it is with pleasure that I share our 2020 version of the chapter magazine with you today. Special thanks to Shih-Ting (Coco) Ma of Campion Hruby for her efforts assembling this edition and putting up with a slow editorial board (read: me). We hope you enjoy Embark and celebrate the awards and achievement that is shared throughout. Thanks also to our sponsors who support Embarks publication. You’ll see the 2021 edition this year as well!

Thanks for your support of the chapter,

Benjamin Boyd, PLA, ASLA

President - Maryland Chapter


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©2024 by Maryland Chapter - American Society of Landscape Architects

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