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A Message from the MDASLA President

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Members of our chapter and their families are facing an unprecedented challenge in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. For our part, I wanted to share what the chapter is doing to react to these issues.

We have extended the annual awards program deadline an additional month to April 27th. We want everyone to have a chance to submit their exemplary work for recognition. Please take note of the additional categories opened up by the chapter this year seeking to recognize more diverse work.

Similarly, we have decided to postpone our highly anticipated awards gala until later in the year. The date is not yet set, but we are committed to hosting this event when the pandemic situation has calmed down. We are very cognizant of the dangers of hosting a large gathering given the current situation, but have decided against outright cancellation since we have some flexibility to reschedule. We will reassess this decision as the situation develops.

Our chapter Executive Committee is still meeting, albeit virtually, at our regular intervals and has some important information to share in the coming weeks, especially related to advocacy and the recently curtailed legislative session. Please look out for those updates. The hard work and attention of our committee volunteers is greatly appreciated. There are still ample volunteer opportunities within the chapter. Please email me at if you are interested.

During this crisis, National ASLA is also putting forth resources to help advise you with teleworking, running a business, and other complications arising from these unique circumstances. Please let us know how our chapter can be a service to you during these times. We are committed to supporting our members to the best of our abilities. We are all in this together, even if we can't be "together" at the moment.

Take care, Sincerely,

Benjamin Boyd, PLA, ASLA

President - Maryland Chapter


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