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President's Letter - November 2019

Last month, leadership was the topic. This month, in the season of thankfulness and writing my last newsletter, I am thankful for my time as Chapter president. I am thankful for the opportunity, and the many learning experiences. I am thankful for all the people, the board and committee members, the volunteers, the sponsors. I am thankful for you, the chapter membership. I am thankful for all of the things I have learned and new connections I have made along the way.

I am thankful for national ASLA and the seemingly endless support they provide - to our chapter leadership, to all ASLA members, and to the profession. I am thankful for our Maryland Chapter which serves so many roles for our members, not least of which is bringing us together. And I am thankful for the past and future leadership of our chapter.

I am thankful for this wonderfully broad profession of Landscape Architecture.

I am thankful that I am a Landscape Architect.


Larissa Torres


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