Dear Friends and Colleagues, Happy holidays to you all. I hope you are enjoying the start of winter and the fresh snow on the ground. Your ASLA chapter has been reflecting on 2020 and making plans for an exciting 2021. This unique year has necessitated adjustments to our strategic planning for events, but we hope to bring you all wealth of opportunities for education, advocacy, and fellowship.
The board has recently reaffirmed our participation in a joint regional conference along with the Potomac and Virginia chapters for next year. Below you will find a survey built to help us hone our timing, speakers, and topics. We are also prepping for our 2021 awards program. We are also prepping for our 2021 awards program. The awards came late in 2020 as we were waiting out the virus to see if an in-person event was possible. Trying to get back on schedule, don't be surprised to see a Call for Awards arrive just after the new year.
Additionally, a new Executive board has been sworn in and we are excited to get to work. Joe Ignatius is our President-Elect and Michael Pullano is our incoming Secretary. I would like to thank them and the rest of the board for their continued commitment and dedication to the chapter. We still need more hands to help and are, unfortunately, without a Treasurer and Membership Chair. If you are interested in joining our board, please let me know. I’d be happy to share how fulfilling being part of this organization can be.
We hope you enjoy your holiday and find some time to unwind away from computers and Zoom calls. Light is on the horizon and vaccines are on the way. I hope to be able to see you in person sometime in 2021.

Benjamin Boyd, PLA, ASLA
President - Maryland Chapter