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2022 Maryland Chapter Professional Design Awards

The intent of this Awards Program is to encourage professional excellence in Maryland and by our Maryland members by recognizing significant completed and unbuilt Landscape Architectural projects. The objective is to bring public attention to the outstanding services of Landscape Architects by honoring them with professional awards for projects that demonstrate a superior quality of design and execution. GUIDELINES: FINAL DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR ENTRY: JULY 8th, 2022 AT 12 PM EDT. Recipients will be honored at our annual MDASLA Awards Gala on September 22nd, 2022 at a location TBD. Entries shall be accepted from members of the Maryland Chapter of ASLA as well as members of other ASLA Chapters if the project is in the state of Maryland. ASLA membership is required to apply. Projects will be reviewed by an awards committee from the Central States Chapter that is given criteria with which to evaluate projects. Projects will be evaluated against the criteria, not against each other. All project submissions or none may be given an award in each entry category. The jury has the right to change an entry to another category as they deem necessary. Evaluation criteria will vary in weight from project to project and submissions do not have to meet all criteria to receive an award. Consideration can be given to the type of project and project purpose/program. Entry Fees: MARYLAND ASLA MEMBERS - $150 PER PROJECT ENTRY MEMBERS OF OTHER CHAPTERS - $225 PER PROJECT ENTRY NON-MEMBERS - $250 PER PROJECT ENTRY NOTE: MEMBERS OF CIRCLE OF SUPPORT RECEIVE ½ OFF FIRST ENTRY If you are interested in joining the Circle of Support. Click the Link to learn more! Payments must be made by check and received by July 8th. Please make out a check to Maryland Chapter ASLA and mail it to: Maryland Chapter ASLA 100 N. Charles St. P101 Baltimore, MD 21201 Entries will need to provide the following information as part of the application: Firm name, address, phone number, email address, and contact person Entry category, project name, and project location High-resolution photos for chapter use Communication, analysis, or research documents (optional based on category) PROJECT PRESENTATION MUST USE TEMPLATE OR WILL BE DISQUALIFIED

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Need Inspiration? Check out previous award winners below! 2021 Awards 2020 Awards 2019 Awards 2018 Awards 2017 Awards

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©2024 by Maryland Chapter - American Society of Landscape Architects

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